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Monday, September 21, 2009

Could Golf Schools Be A Thing Of The Past?

Hi All,

Hope you are all well and getting plenty of golfing action. The weather here as been a lot better for playing in recently, so it has been very pleasant to be on the golf course.

Up until this good spell, the weather was so bad that a fair number of players had gone undercover and headed to the driving range. And a lot would be working with a golf pro to try and iron out some faults. Which got me wondering if this was the best way to go.

And then recently, I stumbled across something every golfer is going to want to know about. It's an online golf school. And it's the first, fully featured, personalized golf school online.

Some of the benefits are:

* You don't have to travel.
* You can practice when and where you want.
* You can practice what you want to make the biggest improvement in your golf game instead of being told what to practice.
* It's A LOT cheaper than a regular off-line golf school.

And best of all....you'll only pay if you improve.

So before you pay good money for a golf school, or pay any other money hoping to improve....make sure you go here TheConsistentGolfSchool and check out this online golf school now.

I really don't think you'll be disappointed, and better than saving you money, chances are it will really improve your game. So have a look at the site today. TheConsistentGolfSchool. And your game could take off.

Speak Soon and Happy Golfing,


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Free Ebook!

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well and have managed to get some golf in over the weekend. The weather here in Scotland hasn't been too good for golfing this weekend, in fact the last month at least, we've had constant rain. The courses are getting no chance to dry out.

This is just a quick post to let you know about the FREE ebook that is on offer when you sign up for the email tips ( also FREE, of course ). Understanding and Enjoying Golf is a 63 page book crammed with selected tips and tricks to help you to play better golf.

So, all you have to do is leave your name and email in the box at the top right of the page, and your ebook will be on it's way to you. And it won't cost you a penny. Nope. It's FREE. As are the email tips! FREE. So what have you got to lose. NOTHING. Now is the time to send for your FREE stuff. Fill in your name NOW.

Well, I'm off to have a look at the weather forecast to see if we're going to have any rain free days this week.

Speak Soon and Happy Golfing,


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 Hour Golf Practice Plan For Improvement.

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well, and the golf is good.

Today we have an article from golf professional Nick Bayley, on how we should plan our practice to improve our game.

If you can spend an hour of your time practicing your golf game here is what I suggest you do to get the most benefit out of this time.

When you arrive at the practice area the very first thing you should do is a few stretches to warm up and you should do this for anything up to 5 minutes or until you're warm. Once you're loosened up the next thing you should do is to start off hitting a couple of wedge shots and then slowly go through each club in your bag, hitting a few shots with each one until you reach your driver. This process should take about 20 minutes. When hitting these shots you should treat each one as though it's a real shot on the golf course. In other words, choose a precise target for each shot and then go through your normal pre-shot routine.

Once you've finished the 20 minutes of hitting full shots you should now practice pitching for 15 minutes and you should do this by hitting shots to all different distances.

What I mean be hitting shots different distances is that you should aim to hit one shot 30 yards, the next one 60 yards, one 75 yards, the next 40 yards etc, etc. And remember to treat each shot, as you would on the course i.e. pick a target and do your pre-shot routine.

Now practice your chipping and bunker play for the next 10 minutes and once again pick a target and go through your pre-shot routine for each shot. It's important that you treat each shot as a real one and not some practice shot that doesn't matter.

When practicing get yourself into the mindset that you have on the course. That way when you get to the course you'll be better prepared.

You've now got 10 minutes left to work on your putting. And I suggest you practice putts outside of 10 feet, concentrating on your distance control and then end the practice session with some short putts (e.g. 2-3 footers). Do this so you leave your practice session on a successful note. Here's a summary of your 1 hour practice session ...

1 Hour Weekly Practice Session

* 5 minutes of stretching to get warm.
* 20 minutes of hitting a couple of shots with each club, starting with the wedge and then progressing through your clubs until reaching the driver.
* 15 minutes hitting pitch shots different distances i.e. 20 yards, 45 yards, 60 yards, 30 yards etc. Never attempt to hit a shot the same distance during this 15 minutes period.
* 10 minutes of chipping and bunker shots.

Final 10 minutes of putting, mainly working on distance control on putts outside of 10 feet and then finishing off this time with some successful short putts.

Remember To Approach Each Practice Shot As Though It's a Real Shot On The Golf Course.

Article used with permission from Nick Bayley (Professional golfer) who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping YOU from ball striking consistency and success. But luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. So don't delay! Go here to take The Golf Swing Test™ now: http://www.yourgolfswingtest.com/

Hope that was of some use to you, and I'll speak to you soon.

Happy Golfing,

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