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Friday, May 22, 2009

5 Step Drill To Increase Your Distance.

Hello All,

Bit Of a gaffe yesterday, when I said that Sky Sports were covering the 4 days of the PGA Championship from Wentworth. Turns out they are only covering the first 2 days, with the BBC showing full coverage over the weekend. My apologies.

Now, have you signed up for your FREE email tips yet. Just fill in your name and your email in the box on the top right and your tips will be delivered straight to your inbox. And if you sign up now you will also get the FREE bonus eBook Understanding and Enjoying Golf, containing 63 pages of selected tips. So go ahead and sign up today, you've nothing to lose.

And just as a taster, here is a drill you can use to get you more distance.

Swing Tips: A Five Step Drill.

Do you want to know a common trademark of golfers who have the knack for sending the ball flying with phenomenal distance? It's the turning of the hips to the left during the downswing, while at the same time extending the right arm through the swing.

Here is a quick drill that can help you accomplish this:

1. Start by teeing up the drive in your normal stance.

2. Now set the ball down off of your left heel (and/or opposite of the left armpit).

3. Without moving your stance, reach down and slide the ball towards your target by approximately the length of the grip on your driver.

4. Tee up your ball at that very spot, which should be 10 to 12 inches closer to the hole. Your address for the ball should be back where your normal position was at.

5. Now to finally hit the ball you will have to move the hips to the left so your arms will be able to “reach” the ball. This will invariably cause your right arm to extend.

This drill should be practiced at least 30 times before hitting the ball in its normal position. By that time you should have made significant improvement in your distance.

Enjoy and Happy Golfing,

Talk Soon,



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