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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hope The Putting Tips Helped.

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all fit and well and the world is treating you good.Did anybody have a chance to try out the putting tips from yesterday's post? Did they do you any good? Please leave a comment and let us know if there is something that worked for you, or you think might help others.

Another couple of quick putting tips for you today, so lets see if any of these can help you.

1. Find the sweet spot of your putter and learn to use it every time. Another key to consistently successful putts is to strike the ball with the sweet spot of your putter. Don't know where the sweet spot is? Try this.

Hold the club vertically, between your thumb and index finger, and make sure the putter head is directly in front of your eyes. Now, tap on the putter face with something small and firm, like a golf tee. When you hit the putter face, it will move back and twist either left or right. Keep hitting until you find the spot on the putter face where it moves back and through without twisting. This is the sweet spot. Learn to hit the ball using this spot on the putter face every time.

2. Always have your eyes and shoulders perfectly parallel to the putting line. Once your putter face is in line with your target, set your eyes and shoulders in perfect alignment with that line. This is the only way to have a real sight of the pathway to the hole. If you have a habit of viewing the path of the ball with your eyes either inside or outside of the line, and your putting is erratic, this is usually because of an inaccurate view.

Once again, if you get a chance try these tips out, and see if they can work for you.

And don't forget there are more tips like this when you sign up for the FREE email tips, along with your BONUS FREE eBook. Just leave your name and email in the box above.

Enjoy and Happy Golfing.



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