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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tips For New Golfers-Part 3.

Hi everyone. If you are new to the wonderful world of golf and have been reading the last two day's posts, lets hope they made sense to you and also that they can be of some help to you.. The aim is really to make you nice and comfortable when you are on the golf course.

So, for now, here is one final tip for golfing rookies. And this possibly could be the most important tip you could get.

Golf is FUN. Please, as a beginner golfer never forget this. You are supposed to be on the golf course to enjoy yourself, not to beat yourself up because you played a bad shot. As a new golfer, try to keep things simple and have some fun. Now is not the time to get competitive. You can experiment with your swing and your game will get better. But trying too hard to win, at this stage, will only result in frustration.

Just relax and enjoy the company of your friends. Remember you are not playing for prize money or a trophy, you are out to enjoy yourself. Given time, and with proper golf instruction, you will get that competitive edge. You can then join a club and play in some tournament golf. Maybe beat your friends. How cool would that be. But always remember it has to be fun. You have to enjoy yourself.

Being new to golf, these are things you have to remember. You can't expect to take up the game and play like Tiger Woods overnight. To get to a decent level you have to put in a lot of practice and a lot of time. But it's hardly going to hurt you, and you will be having a good time as well.

I hope, if you are new to the game, that these tips will have helped you in some way to get out on to the golf course and make things happen. Please leave any comments you might have about these tips, or indeed any advice that could help your fellow golfers.

If you are new to golf, and are determined to get your game to a better standard, I can recommend this TRAINING MANUAL. While it is not a substitute for golf lessons from a qualified instructor, it will complement that training, especially for beginner golfers.

And why not sign up for my free email tips. There's some good information in there as well, from buying equipment to reading greens. Sign up is on the top right of the blog.

Well, that's it for now, so Happy Golfing.


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